Now the BIG question that this Cheesecake Maker found herself faced with was:

"What on earth do you do with a
GIANT zucchini from the garden?!?!?!"
Because we all now that it would much too tough to grill, or cook up for eating...unless you mashed it, but even cutting that thing was a chore! I felt like I was a logger, or something!
Yes, I know I ought to do more push-ups...I heard that from my darling husband just this morning. Now, back to the soap opera of Mr. Zucchini...

I thought that pickles would be good, and maybe throwing some zucchini into a pepper jelly (I LOVE pepper jelly)... So, I peeled it, cut it up and ended up using all of it in the jelly. Pickles will have to wait until next time. Now, there is
no way that Ben and I would find time to eat that much jelly, so the smartest thing to do was to can it!

But one must have the proper tools for canning... Iced Creamed Chai. Does it get much better than that? Nope.
This was the first time I've tried canning all by my lonesome, so it was a bit nerve-wracking! But....

I got them processed and as the jars cooled on my counter, the silence was interrupted by a "POP!"...."POP!"...."POP!" and I seriously shrieked with sheer delight, jumped around my kitchen and wrote to my darling husband and shared the news with him! Sometimes it really stinks to be home alone...then again, nobody is around to see you acting like an idiot...

A happy me, with a hot (yes, hot as in burning hot. Okay, so yes, burning hot as in touching it and tasting...), happy jar of zucchini pepper jelly.

Check back later to see what else this Cheesecake Maker is up to!