"Honeymoons don't last forever." But I think sometimes we wish they would.....
After talking with many people who had been on honeymoons, often to far off places (sounds good), and spending lots of money (sounds not so good), feeling rushed to see the sights (really not sounding good), we decided to come back to California where we could save our hard earned money for a time where we would enjoy dashing off to see one amazing place after another. This trip was for being together!
Illinois to California is a bit far to walk, which meant a plane ride! Mumsie and Pops plus the gang dropped us off at the loverly O'Hare airport in the RV, where we boarded a tram to get to the terminal:
Thankfully, they had helpful signs for us ignorant travelers!
Our plane landed in San Jose, and our personal mode of transportation was in Modesto. For those of you unfamiliar with the geographic specifics of the Great State of California, those two cities are not all that near to each other. If you cannot take a plane, what is the next best form of transportation? That is true, but sadly, there are no camels in California; so we had to take the next, next best form of transportation, a train!
Hopping aboard a Great Iron Horse, we left the Bay Area, heading for the Central Valley! Gorgeous views abounded during the ride. Thank you to the Bunney family for picking us up at the station!
Driving towards the California Coast takes you through the orchards of California, and we just had to sample the fine produce. Guess what fruit is in season!
Being a passenger is hard work, which sometimes calls for a nap....
Beautiful vistas abounded as we made our way North on the majestic curvilineal Highway 1. Tiffany snapped this picture. She wouldn't let me drive and shoot at the same time....
Really, the ground is level here! God was merciful to us regarding the weather; whenever we wanted to be outside, it was sunny and warm, and while we were driving, it would get cloudy and rain. At the beach, it was nice and warm!
Making up for the warm sun, the water, in typical California fashion, was painfully cold!
Temporary graffiti, much like temporary tattoos do not have the same cultural stigmas as their more permanent cousins.
Crashing waves! It is interesting how you can sit and watch the waves, thinking that they come in and go out, over, and over, whether anyone is watching or not. The power and majesty, giving glory to their Creator, audience or no. A mere word from Him and the waves would be stilled, and the sea as smooth as glass.....
According to that sign, someone either died, was buried, or both, on that particular location. Nothing like a haunted cove to build romantic atmosphere!

The Olympic long jump should be held here! The landing is a bit rough, but I would still give it a 10!
There is one downside about the romantic atmosphere found at an abandoned beach, a distinct lack of people to take a picture of you! Long arms and a bit of patience is a good stand-in.
"Why did you go up there to die? I didn't, I went up there to live!"
There are lots of cute shops in a little town called Ferndale, CA. One of the best is the hat room! Do you think Audrey Hepburn would have worn this hat?
Eat your heart out, Aretha Franklin!
This is the Victorian Inn, one of the many Bed & Breakfasts we found lodging in along the way. It used to have a steeple-ish addition in the very front, but that fell off during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.
Whoever said, "Everything's bigger in Texas" obviously missed the Redwoods on the North Coast. See that little midget standing at the base? Well, that is me! (No, I did not suddenly become a midget!)
A sunset shot to close a post which gave you a small taste of one of the most relaxing weeks... No, I misspeak, the MOST relaxing week in this young man's life. An entire trip doing nothing but enjoying the company of the most important, wonderful, delightful, beautiful companion on the entire planet. It is going to be hard to top that one.......
My husband and I waited to have our "real" honeymoon too (we were married last March)...and we were SO glad we did! We too live in Central CA (near Fresno) and so went to Cambria (on the coast...a great little town) for a couple days after the wedding. Then, six months later, we found our trip to the UK much more enjoyable than if we had tried to go straight away after our wedding. So, good decision...and it looks like you had a beautiful near-to-home honeymoon anyway! :)
My favorite line, "An entire trip doing nothing but enjoying the company of the most important, wonderful, delightful, beautiful companion on the entire planet." So sweet! Happy for you two; looking forward to seeing you Sunday!
Gorgeous photos. Thanks for sharing. :-)
I feel a Carpenter tune coming on.
Hi Tissy! I love ya'll's new blog! I moved into your room now! I sleep in Mel's bed and Mel sleeps in yours! Grace Emma and William say "Hi!" PLEASE post more often! I miss you! =)
BEAUTIFUL pictures! Wow... the beach is gorgeous. I want to go to a beach. :-)
Ok, Tiffany, that hat... please tell me you bought it, just because it was too outlandish NOT to buy! We love hat shops - if I'm ever out that way I'll have to stop there...
What beautiful pictures. It looks like you two had a beautiful time! Thanks so much for sharing a little glimpse into your trip!
*gasp* did you just talk down Texas??? ;) JK
Looks like y'all are having a blast! The weather, scenery, and everything looks just beautiful! Oh, and the last pic is really cool! I love pictures with the sun glinting off class, especially when a tree's awesome silhouette is in view!
BTW, smart choice on how to spend y'alls honeymoon. My parents said of all the gifts they received, money was pretty high on the list of things they needed most when they were first married.
LOL, the thing they sure weren't in need of was towels! This was before gift registry,(or at least the convenient version of it we have now) so a good many people who attended their wedding gave towels as gifts! We *just* had to go and buy towels for the first time about 2 years ago!
Anyway, glad it's all going well, and I wish you more happiness. Blessings!
Sweet Memories and beautiful pictures! Excited for you both!
One of the best things about a "simple" honeymoon is that everytime you do something similar it feels as if you are reliving your honeymoon.
We went for a 3 week driving honeymoon, seeing parts of Australia that neither of us had been to. Now, everytime we head off on another driving holiday it seems like we are on our honeymoon. I suppose it does help that 8 years on it is still just the two of us...one day we may have a little person in the back of the car - all in God's perfect timing!
May you have a truly blessed life together.
You two are adorable. Your pictures are fun and remind me of the road trip my husband and I took through the hill country of Texas for our honeymoon. That was before God blessed us with 3 little energizer bunnies.
God bless you both!
Just found your blog. Looks like you had a great time.
Dad, what's this have to do with woodworking?
Loved it! Reading this made me relive our honeymoon up that direction also. We felt privileged to pick you up at the train station--thanks for the honor! Can't wait to have you over for supper again....
I enjoyed the photos! Tiffany, I wanted to ask you about the pattern for Jessica's bridesmaid dress- did you make it or buy it? I've designed a few dresses, and was recently trying to figure out something similar. Just wondering! -Kendal
P.S. I actually met you at our church, Harvest Assembly, here in Chesapeake, VA, when your family came last year. I've read your blog (the old one) for a few years now, and have always enjoyed it immensely! Congratualtions on your marriage!
Yes, I am very much liking that idea! If we had gone overseas right away, I think we would've been stressed. Going up the northern coast was so relaxing...we have good memories of that trip!
*laughs* I like that line, too. :) See you Sunday!
Thanks, and you're welcome! :)
Which one?
Hey Abby!!!
Glad you like it! We'll try to keep posting for you...send me some pictures! :) Love you and miss you!!
*laughing* No, we didn't buy the hat...I kinda wish we had, though...it was a funny hat! We got a beeeeeeeautiful candelabra instead. YES! If you ever come out this way, there will be lots of places for you to see, and we highly recommend Ferndale! Mmmm, the beach is gorgeous...I can't wait to go back! :)
Glad you enjoyed the pictures...I enjoyed taking them. :) I'm liking my new camera....
Okay, as much as I LOVE Texas, the ocean here is far superior!! It's just amazing!
*laughs* Wow...I hadn't heard the towel story before! That's funny....
Yes, we enjoyed our trip and will always treasure the memories!
Awwww, that's sooo sweet! We went up to northern Cali again recently and many memories of going that far north came back to me....never mind that we weren't on the pretty route...but still. :)
*laughs* Thanks! Road trips together are fun, even if riding in the car makes me tired! Mmmm, I love the Texas countryside...it's been too long since I've seen that! Three? How exciting! Little people are so fun!
Oh...did we forget to tell you about it? Oops... :) Glad you found it, though!
Thanks for recommending the botanical gardens! We sooo enjoyed our visit there! We ate lunch under a shady tree...it's was lovely.
Mmm, and dinner was fantastic! Thanks for sending us home with the leftovers! We enjoyed that, too! :) See you Sunday!
Glad you enjoyed them! I made her dress...actually, I made my gown, my mother's dress, and five other ones for the wedding. :) It was fun and I'd do it all over again! Awww, well I'm glad you came over here, too! Thanks...we're very happy.
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