Tuesday, December 27, 2011

'Twas the night before Christmas....

Christmas Eve usually means relaxing, talking, goofing off, eating hors'devoures for dinner, lighting the great candelabra and playing games until the candles go out...  This year was just that...a wonderful evening with just the family.  We played Abstractables (a game developed by some friends of ours) instead of the usual Cranium and I think that everybody enjoyed it.  Since I was only able to choose 60 of my favorites from the favorite picture list, I decided to break the Christmas posts up.  The next installment should be up tomorrow!

Our "Christmas Eve" started with going to church in the morning.  Lilyana was enjoying her Aunt Lily before she saw me...then she decided that she was hungry.

We headed home soon after service to begin the Christmas Eve festivities...

Since goofing off is on the list of things to do, Melissa decided that wearing a ballerina duck was fitting.

Lilyana chose to be the one to relax.  She deemed chillin' in daddy's lap while munching on fingers quite appropriate.

The girls weren't interested in talking, so they ate lemons instead.

Joshua wanted to help make the hours'de'vours, so he was given the juicing job.

Phew!  That is hard work!!!

One more Advent reading until we were able to light the Christ candle.  Lilyana loves sitting with Grandpa while he reads.

The boys were pretending to be the magi...

Mmmm, Grandpa's thumb is taaaaaaasty!

Food!!!!  Glorious food!!!  When there are a bunch of girls in the house, hors'de'voures make a very good dinner.

Goofing off with Aunt Jill is always fun.

Dad working on something...
...and the guys guessed it!  

Melissa had to build E.T. and surprisingly Jill guessed it!

So!  Check back tomorrow for the next installment!  Ben is trying to talk me out of posting "an obscene amount of pictures" so we'll see how many we end up with.... If you want to see them my selection, then leave a comment telling Ben that! *grin*

Tiffany for BLT


A Keen Perspective said...

We want to see them! :-)

Anonymous said...

Let her post the pictures!!!

Lauren said...

I love your pictures! (-;

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Oh, yes, post lots and lots of photos! I love to see families celebrating!


Anonymous said...

Ben, I want to see lots more pictures! So please let your lovely wife post some more. =D
[and a post by you wouldn't hurt, either, seeing as you always make me laugh!]

Anonymous said...

Love the photo's on Abstractables - Joe

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