Weeeeellll, my wife was supposed to come home today. But, due to a technical difficulty, to which I will attribute no blame, she missed her flight. Yes, those of you with good memories may recall that something similar happened while Tiff and I were courting, except the other way around, and I got to spend an extra day with her. This is God's way of laughing at us, and taking back the day we were lent in ages gone by.
What to do with an extra day of loneliness? Tonight I will be attending the final Assyrian class of the semester, so that will take up most of the evening hours, but for the interim, I am depressingly weary and sad. Then I thought that I would write a post of what I have eaten for the last two weeks, with a cost breakdown. Anything that would have gone bad in the fridge, I counted as a leftover, and had a zero net cost to my eating habits.
Non-pictured Meals:
Tuna: Leftover
Hamburger bun: Leftover
Pickles & Mayo: Negligible, cost $.35
Bread Pudding $1.36 (I gave half to the Schroeders, as I could not eat two 9X9 pans, this is half of the cost of ingredients.)
- Bread: $2.40
- Milk: Leftover
- 2 Eggs: $.45
- Raisins, Vanilla, Sugar: Negligible, $.50
Bread for PB&J: 1.5 Loaves: $3.60
Ye Old Thyme Bakery Day Old Baked Goods: 2 Cinnamon Rolls and 4 Muffins: $5.56
Quarter Jar of Jelly: $.75
One Third Jar Costco Supersize PB: $1.70
Cheese Sticks, Costco Family Pack 6 @ $.19: $1.14
1 Tomato: Est. $.25
4 Slices Turkey: $1.26
Mustard (of course!): Negligible $.05
The turkey went on the second half of the loaf of bread from the play. I ran out of sliced bread for PB&J, and a baguette did not sound like a good substitute. That brings the grand total out to.......
Which ended up here:
Feed me, feed me!!!
All of the rest of my food was graciously provided by either the Schroeder, Davies, or Hector Pt. III, families. All of whom took pity on a poor soul, invited me over to share their table, and provided the only greens I got during the last two weeks. Unless pickles count as greens, then I contributed too! Needless to say, my stomach will join my heart and soul in rejoicing upon my wife's return.
The sun will come out.........tomorrow!!!!!!
From a fellow married man, who would also suffer from malnutrition if absent from my wife for so long, I commend you for your frugal diet.
The sun WILL come out tomorrow...and it will come out while I'm in the air this time!
Lilyana and I were very distressed when the very unhelpful people at the desk refused to let us board...I suppose we could have been there a wee bit earlier...but other things prevented that from happening!
Okay...I DO need to come home! You won't survive for much longer on such foods! Thank you, dear friends, for feeding my starving husband...he needs attention! *grin*
Okay....so the grocery budget is quite a bit more when the girls are in town, but it's worth it, isn't it?
Try not to have too much fun tonight...I am very sad to not be there. And I hope you can survive one more morning without us!
Looking forward to our lunch date!!!!!
Lots and lots of love and see you tomorrow...
<3 xoxoxoxo <3
Wow Ben! Not sure if I'm impressed or disgusted :) Tiff come home soon!
Thanks Ben for the extra bread. We made french toast and twas very yummy
Benjamin Hector!
You learned to cook years ago - taught in the home of your birth! You know how to make a salad, cook meat of any kind, eggs of any kind, desserts of any kind etc. etc. Remember, at the tender age of 14, you and your brothers put together an entire Thanksgiving dinner with ALL the trimmings, when I was sick! "Train up a child..."
While I can appreciate the fact that you miss your wife's companionship and cooking very much, I struggle with the idea that you are unable to wield a knife and spatula for nutritional purposes when she is not around.
I love you and will be happy when your wife is home with you.
I love you very much, Mumsie
In defense of my not too defensible position, I do know how to cook. It is simply a depressing task when you cook by yourself, for yourself. While engaging in such culinary atrocities, as described above, I do not condone, nor feel any sense of pride at my squalor. It is a sad by-product of loneliness and misery. The alleviation of these symptoms are more reasons to await the return of my beloved.
Thomas, thanks for understanding and commiserating!
Darling, it is more than worth it!
Linds, a combination of both, seasoned with a dash of pity will do the trick.
Mumsie, I do not deny a word you say. You and Dad trained us well. I did make bread pudding, with organic ingredients!
Seeing as I am at the airport, waiting for my wife to arrive, this will all become a distant nightmare, soon!
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