Saturday, March 10, 2012

Leaving on a jet plane...

...and if we like where we are going, we may not come back.... *grin*

Fast post, today, since we are really supposed to be walking out of the door.  The bags are packed, we're sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited and the house-sitters will be here at some point (family is awesome!).  So, enjoy these last few pictures of our simple home time we post, I don't know where we'll be!!!!!!!!

Spending some time in a tea-shop up in my favorite town...Murphys!  We love tea. 

For you, Jess! :P  
Cupcake + Coffee = My kind of place!

 Totally unplanned, but we ran into Alasdair Fraser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Natalie Hass (one of my favorite cellists..she plays with Alasdair Fraser) thought the baby was cute.

 For Thomas and Linds...pretty soon, though, we'll be saying Think Spanish.  Drink Spanish. :D

 Happy baby, suitcase , baby doll, mini-blanket and the lambskin...Lilyana is all set to go!

 Hurry mom!  Get me out and pack!


See y'all later!!!!!!!!!!!


Mikaela said...

I ♥ trips!

Thomas and Lindsey said...

Think Italian, BE Italian!!! The best!! Enjoy Spain-land... will miss you three terribly!

Thomas and Linds

Anthony said...

So so cute baby!!!!!!:):) I cannot wait to see pictures of Spain, but I hope you all have a great time and enjoy yourselves very much!!!! Love and hugs to the Trio!!!!

P.S. I miss you all already!!!!:(

Anton, Esq. to be

JB said...

Can't wait to start seeing photos of your wonderful experiences. The boys will keep the home fires burning. Love you all, Mumsie

James McDonald said...

I love the photos - each and every one! Godspeed!

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